January 2017 Enews
TODOS: Mathematics for ALL


Volume 10, Issue 1 January 2017


February Reading

The two February readings suggested by the North American Study Group on Ethnomathematics, are Culturally Situated Design Tools: Generative Justice as a Foundation for STEM Diversity (authors Ron Eglash, William Babbitt, Audrey Bennett, Kathryn Bennett, Brian Callahan, James Davis, John Drazan, Charles Hathaway, David Hughes, Mukkai Krishnamoorthy, Michael Lachney, Michael Mascarenhas, Shayla Sawyer, and Kathleen Tully) and Critical Values and Transforming Data: Teaching Statistics with Social Justice by Lawrence M. Lesser. See the targeted questions for these readings and participate in the Social Circles.

Election of TODOS Officers

It is time to exercise your right to vote! Voting begins Wednesday, February 1st, for three TODOS Officers: President-elect and two Directors. The Nominations and Elections Committee appreciates the number and quality of nominees for Director brought forward to lead and serve TODOS. Our bylaws call for no more than four candidates for the two Director positions. They include: Higinio Dominguez (MI), Silvia Llamas-Flores (AZ), Carlos LópezLeiva (NM), and Jennifer Yacoubian (CO). The candidate for President-elect is Diana Ceja (CA). You will be able to read the candidates' statements on the elections page (access the informaiton via the home page) beginning February 1st.  Voting ends Tuesday, February 28th.

January Reading

With 11 days left in January, you can still contribute your questions and comments to the Social Circles on the January reading: Beyond Banneker: Black Mathematicians and the Paths to Excellence by Erica N. Walker. Even if you haven't read the book, you can participate in the discussion that posed the following: What efforts have you found to be successful in accessing African American Students' funds of knowledge? If we as teachers live in the community of the students, we may be able to tap into the cultural knowledge that these students bring. If we don't, how can we access all of this knowledge? Join the Social Circles now. You can still participate in previous discussions.


Did you miss the webinar from Spain with José Francisco Sala Garcia as the presenter? You can access the recorded session from this webinar in addition to all of the webinars from Season 6. If you are interested in presenting a webinar for TODOS Live!, contact the chair and include your proposed topic and possible dates. Many of you have great mathematics ideas especially for classroom teachers and coaches.

NCTM Illuminations: Bright Ideas and Math Tools News

Are you subscribing to Bright Ideas and Math Tools News from NCTM Illuminations? It's complimentary and provides many engaging resources in grade bands. The 2017 Mathematics Game is the first problem in this issue: Challenge your students to write expressions for each of the counting numbers 1 through 100 using the digits in 2017, standard operations, and grouping symbols.

Presidential Address at Joint Math Meetings.

The Retiring Presidential Address by Francis Su given at the AMS-MAA Joint Meeting earlier this month grapples with the following questions: Why does the practice of mathematics often fall short of our ideals and hopes? How can the deeply human themes that drive us to do mathematics be channeled to build a more beautiful and just world in which all can truly flourish?

NCTM is Coming Up!

Did 2016 fly by? Imagine how soon April 2017 will be here! Register today for the 2017 NCTM Annual Meeting, April 5-8, 2017, in San Antonio. Early-bird registrations rates save you up to $80 but won't be available for long. Lock in your professional development plans for this spring before February 24 to save. The conference theme is Creating Communities and Cultivating Change.

II CEMACYC in Cali, Colombia

The Second Congress on Mathematics Education in Central America and the Caribbean (II CEMACYC) will be held at the University of Valle in Cali, Colombia, from October 29 to November 1, 2017. The period for submitting proposals for presentations began December 1, 2016. Official languages will be Spanish and Porteguese. Go to the website for complete information.

NSF-CBMS Conference

An NSF-CBMS conference, "Topological and Geometric Methods in Quantum Field Theory," will be held July 31 - August 4, 2017, at Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana. Deadline for registration is March 19th. NSF funds are available to support about 30 participants, particularly graduate students and recent graduates. For additional inquiries, contact Ryan Grady.

Math Magazine with Activities

In past issues of the Enews, links to MATHgazine Junior and Senior were included. These four-page MATHgazines target students in grades 4-8 (Junior) and students in grades 9-12 (Senior) and are edited by Carole Greenes, Jason Lu, and Yifan Tian. Included in this issue of the Enews are the following: August MATHgazine Junior, August MATHgazine Senior, September MATHgazine Junior, and September MATHgazine Senior. The next Enews will include the October and November MATHgazines.

STEM Education for Young Children

The Early Childhood STEM Working Group released a report titled Early STEM Matters: Providing High-Quality STEM Experiences for All Young Children. The report describes four guiding principles and offers six actionable recommendations for educational leaders, policymakers at the local, state, and federal levels, researchers, and funders.  The goal of the report is to help guide and inform conversation and change at a critical point in public discourse about the need for high-quality early childhood education.

Support English Learners As They Learn Mathematics

TODOS in collaboration with DreamBox Learning will participate in a webinar hosted by edWeb.net titled Use Discourse to Access Language and Mathematics for English Learners on Monday, February 13th at 3:00 pm EST. Presented by Susie W. Håkansson, Immediate Past-President of TODOS, the session will include the rationale for discourse, the role of productive and receptive language functions in the learning of mathematics, and examples of how to increase discourse in the classroom.


Hi ##First Name##. Your membership in TODOS is active through ##Membership End Date##. TODOS values and appreciates your support. You can support TODOS by selecting TODOS as the organization that receives the rebate from NCTM if you are joining or renewing. You can also support TODOS by becoming active in the organization.

Do You Have Items for the TODOS Enews?

Do you have pertinent information on personal accomplishments, events, news articles, or new books that are aligned with the Mission and Goals of TODOS? Share them with the TODOS Community by sending the information to the editor no later than Wednesday, February 15th to be included in the February Enews.

2016-2017 TODOS Board

Executive Team: Diane Kinch, Marta Civil, Susie W. Håkansson, and Nora Ramirez
Members: Julia Aguirre, Ellen Barger, Rocio Benedicto, Anita Bright, Kyndall Brown, Carol A. Edwards, Linda Fulmore, Cynthia Hillman-Forbush, Annette Kitagawa, Bob McDonald, M. Alejandra Sorto, and Angela Thompson