Welcome to TODOS' Resource Page for Parents, Guardians, and Families! The following links provide parents, guardians, and families with useful information that hope to answer these questions:

  • What is going on in my child's mathematics classes?
  • Why is everybody talking about the "Common Core"?
  • What do the teachers mean by "Mathematical Practices"?
  • What can we do to help our children learn and enjoy learning mathematics?

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please email [email protected]. We would love to hear from you! 

Organizations that Support Parents and Families

Curious to know what mathematics teachers are doing? Want to expand your understanding of who can and should be a mathematician? Check out these Math organizations. Search these sites for "families" and see what they have for you.

Mathematics and Children's Books

This page has some tips for spending time reading with children, as well as some book suggestions!

Mathematics at Home

The links on this page take you to games or programs children can play on a computer or make using home materials. These games help children understand and apply mathematical ideas while enjoying playing along, with a parent or a friend. 


Mathematical Practices

Qué Son las Prácticas Matemáticas?
Translations of the Standards for Mathematical Practices (SMP)