February 2016 Enews
TODOS: Mathematics for ALL


Volume 9, Issue 2 February 2016


Election Results Are In!

On behalf of the nominations and elections committee, we are pleased to announce the two new Directors for the TODOS board. Kyndall Brown from California and M. Alejandra Sorto from Texas were chosen from a pool of outstanding candidates.  They will begin their service April 13th following the TODOS business meeting prior to the NCTM Annual Meeting and Exposition in San Francisco. Thank you to all the candidates who ran for office and to all the members who suggested nominees and voted in this election. Congratulations to Kyndall and Alejandra!

Awards Ceremonies at TODOS 2016

The TODOS 2016 Conference will include two award ceremonies. The Iris M. Carl Equity and Leadership Award will be presented on Thursday to an individual who has made significant contributions to the quality of mathematics education provided to underserved students, in particular, Latina/o students. The TODOS Student Recognition Awards will be awarded on Friday to local area students from underrepresented groups who have displayed sustained success, shown significant progress, demonstrated leadership, or gone above and beyond in mathematics.

TODOS Speakers at NCSM and NCTM

Many TODOS members will be making presentations at NCSM and NCTM in April 2016. The attached list of speakers includes their topics, times, and location and includes eight presentations as part of the Equity Strand during NCTM. Support your TODOS members and attend their sessions. These sessions focus on the mission and goals of TODOS. If you are a TODOS member speaking at NCSM or NCTM, and your name is not on the list, send a message to the editor with all of the specifics to be included in the March Enews.


Join our TODOS colleagues for the TODOS Live! session "Our Questions and Their Discourse are the Keys to Their Engagement and Learning." This is an opportunity for you to gain from a nationally known speaker,  Steve Leinwand. The session is on Thursday, Feb 25th, at 4:30 p.m. PST. Register here.

TODOS Membership News

With TODOS 2016, membership is at an all time high, with over 900 active members. Many of you have joined recently. One of the benefits of belonging to TODOS is Noticias de TODOS, which was mailed out recently. You can also access many resources in the TODOS Members' Area. Once you log on, you will see the items available for members.

TODOS Online Information

TODOS communicates with you in a variety of ways. Many of them are online through the Elists. TODOS has three Elists that you can join. The Members' list comes out in real time and the Digest is a bi-monthly compilation of the members Elist. See the next row regarding the EONAS list. Here are directions on how to access the Elists.

NCTM 2016 MET Lifetime Achievement Awards

The NCTM 2016 Mathematics Education Trust (MET) Lifetime Achievement Awardees are Edwin Dickey and Barbara Reys who will be recognized during the Opening Session of NCTM. Immediately following this session, MET is hosting a Wine Tasting and reception at the Marriott Marquis Hotel to honor the awardees. The $50 ticket includes wine tasting, hors d'oeuvres, and a MET 40th Anniversary wine glass. A cash bar will also be available. Tickets may be purchased using the NCTM Annual Meeting registration form.

Educators of Native American Students (EONAS)

The EONAS website has added some additional links to lessons incorporating Native culture into mathematics. Also, some new work is being done by EONAS members and proposals have been submitted for presentation at the Phoenix regional NCTM meeting. If any TODOS members have lessons incorporating Native cultures into mathematics, please send information or links to EONAS Chair Rich Sgarlotti for inclusion in the website. Sign up for the EONAS Elist to receive updated information (see row above for directions).

Echoes From the Gap: Catching Butterflies

Brooke Haycock chronicles the experiences of five formerly struggling high school students who disengaged from their education in traditional schools and were drawn back in by educators in settings ranging from an alternative school to a juvenile detention facility. Catching Butterflies is intended to help educators reflect on how their approaches to teaching and instructional practices can affect students motivation, their beliefs about themselves as learners, and their preparation for the world outside the classroom.

TODOS Members at ICME 13

Are you planning to attend ICME 13 in Hamburg, Germany? In addition to the TODOS members attending mentioned in the January 2016 Enews, Johnny Lott is on the ICME 13 program committee and will be there. Also attending is John Staley. If you are planning to attend, send a message to the editor to be included in the March Enews.

TODOS by the Bay: Support the TODOS Booths

If you are attending NCSM or NCTM, TODOS would appreciate your willingness to work at either of the TODOS booths for a shift of two hours or more. A spreadsheet will be included in the March 2016 Enews, but if you know where and when you want to staff the booth, contact Bob McDonald and he will put you on the list now!

Expanding Larry Lessers' Column in Noticias

All TODOS members were sent the winter issue of Noticias de TODOS recently. To expand on Larry Lesser's column, "Sounding Off on Stereotypes," to include critiquing assumptions about gender/sexual identity, see Laurie Rubel's piece in the February 2016 Mathematics Teacher.

Childrens Literacy Book

Round is a Tortilla: A Book of Shapes by Roseanne Greenfield Thong and illustrated by John Parra is a story of a little girl who discovers many geometric shapes in her neighborhood. "Round are tortillas and tacos, too. Round is a bowl of abuela's stew." In this lively picture book, children discover a world of shapes all around them: "Rectangles are ice-cream carts and stone metates, triangles are slices of watermelon and quesadillas."

Influence a Growth Mindset

Below are three opportunities to influence a Growth Mindset in the classroom and with parents: (1) With Math I Can Pledge (students pledge to work hard to grow their math understanding, attitude, and outlook), (2) Jo Boalers website (a variety of resources that include research, articles, ideas, and tasks supporting a growth mindset) and (3) Class Dojo videos (five episodes of big ideas for a growth mindset in the classroom).

Increase Number of Latino College Professors

The University of Pennsylvania is leading a new collaboration with seven other universities to increase the number of Latino college professors. The Pathways to the Professoriate initiative, funded by a $5.1 million grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation will provide mentoring and other programs over five years to encourage Latino students to enter graduate school.

Equity in Motion: High Quality Assignments

Students can do no better than the assignments they are given. But what makes a rich, high-quality, aligned assignment and how do you know? Join Ed Trust on May 15-17 for their first Equity in Motion convening for K-12 teachers, school leaders, and district staff. This hands-on session in Baltimore will allow practitioners to examine their own assignments through the lens of alignment with standards, centrality of text, cognitive challenge, and motivation and engagement and identify areas for improvement and innovation.

TNTP's Bridge Fellowship

One of TNTP's mission is to end the injustice of educational inequality by providing excellent teachers to the students who need them most. Ever wanted to re-imagine the school experience? How can we prepare more African-American and Latino young men for success in school and beyond? Two Bridge Fellows will reimagine the school experience for these students and think holistically about ways school systems can dramatically increase their success. Innovators from any sector are encouraged to apply by March 15th. Go to the Bridge Fellowship website for further information.


Middle school and high school students, their families, and educators may want to access the Gaining Early Access and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) website to learn if their state is participating. GEAR UP is designed to increase the number of low-income students who are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary education. It provides six-year grants to states and partnerships to provide services at high-poverty middle and high schools. Funds are also used to provide college scholarships to low-income students.


Hi ##First Name##. Your Membership in TODOS is good through ##Membership End Date##. Your support is important and greatly appreciated. Also, if you are joining or renewing your membership in NCTM, we would appreciate it if you would choose TODOS as the organization that receives the rebate that NCTM generously offers.

Math Magazine with Activities

The February 2016 Mathgazines out of the PRIME Center at Arizona State University are available. Mathgazine Junior is targeted for students in grades 4-8 and Mathgazine Senior is targeted for students in grades 9-12.These four-page Mathgazines are edited by Carole Greenes, Jason Luc, and Yifan Tian.

2015-2016 TODOS Board

Executive Team: Susie W. Hakansson, Diane Kinch, Marta Civil, and Nora Ramirez
Members: Julia Aguirre, Ellen Barger, Anita Bright, Sylvia
Celedon-Pattichis, Susana Davidenko, Carol Edwards, Linda Fulmore, Cynthia Hillman-Forbush, Annette Kitagawa, Bob McDonald, Rosa Starke, and Angela Thompson