August 2022 Enews
TODOS: Mathematics for ALL


Volume 15, Issue 8 August 2022

Message From the TODOS President

Metaphors for Mathematics Classrooms: The Emergence of a Patchwork Quilt

For many educators across this place called North America the months of August and September are the beginning of a new school year. As we begin those new school years I invite you to think about the metaphors that you live in your practice as a mathematics educator. The metaphors that I use are greatly shaped by my stance as a human and the learnings that I’ve been taught. ... Go to the President's full message.

Apply for the TODOS-MET PD Grant: $4,000

Please consider applying for the 6th annual professional development grant co-sponsored by TODOS and NCTM! Fostering Support of Mathematics Learning for Multilingual Classrooms provides financial assistance to PreK-12 schools for in-service to increase understanding of and expertise in fostering support of multi-language development when teaching mathematics. Grand maximum is $4,000. Applicants must have a TODOS and NCTM member by the date of application (can be two different people). Deadline is November 1, 2022.

TEEM 13-1 Is Now Published

TEEM Volume 13, No. 1 is now available! This issue is Part 1 of a Special Issue on Antiracism in Mathematics Education. “The call for this special issue focused on antiracism in action. We built off of the TODOS 2020 statement, The Mo(ve)ment to Prioritize Antiracism in Mathematics, to ask for manuscripts sharing stories about what people in the field are grappling with in relation to themes from the position statement--what new learning is happening around antiracism in mathematics, and what may continue to be in tension or even in conflict.”

TODOS Live! on August 31 at 4:00 PM Pacific

The next TODOS Live! session will be held on Tuesday, August 31 at 4:00 PM Pacific titled Beyond Land Acknowledgements: A Conversation Around the Significance for Mathematics Education. Presented by Florence Glanfield, Rochelle Gutiérrez, and Belin M. Tsinnajinnie, each will share their interpretations of the significance of land acknowledgements in relation to mathematics teaching and learning. Sign up today!

TODOS Salsa Party at NCTM

It’s been three years since NCTM has had an in person national conference, which means that it's been three years since TODOS has held a Salsa Party. Well, there will be a Salsa Party this year at the 2022 NCTM Annual Meeting and Exposition in Los Angeles to be held on Thursday, September 29 from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm at the JW Marriott LA Live Hotel. Sponsors include hand2mind and Texas Instruments. Details will be in the September 2022 Enews. Hope to see you there!

Staff the TODOS Booths at NCSM and NCTM

Are you planning to attend either the NCSM or NCTM conferences in September? If so, stop by the TODOS booth and pick up a TODOS refrigerator magnet. Better yet, volunteer to staff the booth for two hours or more anytime during either of the conferences. Inform attendees why they should join TODOS. One benefit of membership will be to attend the TODOS Salsa Party on Thursday, September 29 (see cell to the left). Sign up now!

Save the Date for the TODOS 2023 Conference!

The TODOS 2023 Conference will be held June 21-23, 2023 in Albuquerque, NM. This will be the fifth conference held by TODOS and the first one in Albuquerque. Co-Chairs Zandra de Araujo and María del Rosario Zavala and the Conference Committee are deeply engaged in planning a worthwhile experience for all. Program Co-Chairs Irma Cruz-White and Carlos LópezLeiva and the Program Committee will announce the Call for Proposals soon. Check the website frequently for updates.

Culturally Relevant Leadership

What is culturally relevant mathematics leadership? NCSM is excited to announce the latest book in their Essential Action Series: Culturally Relevant Leadership in Mathematics Education. Learn how to use the guiding principles Empower, Design, Monitor, and Advocate. Follow the three imperatives of leadership: Commitment to Self, Commitment to Colleagues, and Commitment to Others. Preview the culturally relevant leadership essential actions. 

MODULE(S2) Publishes Teacher Education Materials

The NSF-funded MODULE(S2) project has published free curriculum materials that develop prospective teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching secondary mathematics. They offer materials for use in university courses in four content areas: Algebra From an Advanced Perspective, College Geometry, Mathematical Modeling, and Statistics. The materials are designed with equity-based teaching practices, and some materials include activities that address equity and social justice.

Submit a Proposal to the Joint Math Meeting (JMM)

You are invited to submit a proposal to speak at a special session at the 2023 Joint Mathematics Meeting of the MAA and AMS to be held in Boston, MA January 4-7, 2023. The special session is titled “Promoting Equity Through Active Learning in Undergraduate Mathematics: Precalculus” is organized by three TODOS members. Read the invitation to submit a proposal. Deadline for submissions is September 13, 2022.

Submit a Proposal for IACME XVI, 7/30-8/4/2023

The XVIth Inter-American Conference on Mathematics Education (CIAEM XVI) will be held July 30 to August 4, 2023 at the University of Lima, Peru. The CIAEM, held since 1961, is the only multinational organization in the Americas affiliated with the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction. The deadline to submit proposals for workshops, presentations, and posters is between September 1 and October 30, 2022.

CANMEE Lesson Study Facilitators Online Course

The California Action Network for Mathematics Excellence and Equity (CANMEE) is offering a Lesson Study Facilitators Online Course beginning next month in September to deepen one's understanding of effective ways to start, facilitate, and support a CANMEE lesson study team with a dual focus on equity and math. Go to the flyer for additional information and to register. CANMEE lesson study infuses equity in the lesson study cycle.

Increasing Diversity of the Teacher Workforce

For states and districts to increase the racial and cultural diversity of the teacher workforce, it takes an unrelenting commitment. Ed Trust developed the 50 State Data and Policy Teacher Diversity Tool, which looks at each state’s efforts to increase the number of teachers of color in their workforce. Go and view your state's efforts.

Your TODOS Membership

Hi . Your Membership in TODOS is good through . Your support is important and greatly appreciated. You are also invited to support TODOS by serving on one of TODOS' committees. For example, the TODOS 2023 Conference is being planned, and if you're interested in serving on the Program committee, send a message to the editor

2022-2023 TODOS Board

Executive Team: Florence Glanfield, Linda Fulmore, Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis, and Nora Ramirez
Members: Ma Bernadette Andres-Salgarino, Diana Ceja, Theodore Chao, Marta Civil, Marian Dingle, Bernard Frost, Monica Gonzalez, Susie W. Håkansson, Lisa Jilk, Nichole Lindgren, Luz Maldonado Rodríguez, Erin Sylves, and Trevor Warburton