TODOS-McDougal Littell Professional Development Award - 2006


Committee members are: Jean Shaw and Noemi Lopez (Co-chair), Cindy Fielder, Maggie Holler, Nancy Terman, Sylvia Traub, and Emma Trevio




[pictured left to right] Jean Shaw Chair of Committee, Linda Fulmore recipient, James Marty recipient, Tod Shockey recipient, Juracy Soares recipient, Denise McDowell McDougal Littell, Leo Murphy McDougal Littell


The McDougal Littell Professional Development Award Committee announced the 2006 award recipients:


Linda Fulmore. Field Specialist, Arizona State University's Rural Systemic Initiative


James Marty. Mathematics Education Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction


Tod Shockey. Assistant Professor, University of Maine, Department of Mathematics & Statistics


Jana Juracy Soares-Lopez, Mathematics Coordinator, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, Ensenada Campus