Volume 10, Issue 4 |
April 2017 |
Thanks to Outgoing Board Members and Positions
TODOS thanks all of its outgoing Board members and positions: Susie W. Håkansson, Immediate Past-President and Resources Chair; Anita Bright, Director; Angela Thompson, Director; Cynthia Hillman-Forbush, NCTM Representative; Bob McDonald, Member Services Chair, and Ellen Barger, Nominations and Elections Chair. Kudos to these hard working volunteers!
2017 Iris M. Carl Equity and Leadership Awardee
The 2017 Iris M. Carl Equity and Leadership Award was presented to Lee Stiff during the TODOS Members' Meeting in San Antonio on Wednesday, April 5th. Casio, who has sponsored this award since its inception in 2005, sent a representative to attend the presentation. The presentation was made by Marta Civil and Susie W. Håkansson, Co-Chairs of the 2017 Iris Carl Award.
Welcome to New Board Members and Positions
The following new TODOS Board members and positions began their term on April 5th: Diana Ceja, President-Elect, NCTM Representative, and Resources Chair; Silvia Llamas-Flores, Director; Carlos LópezLeiva, Director; Susie W. Håkansson, Member Services Chair, and Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis, Nominations and Elections Chair. Welcome to the new board members!
TODOS Live! from Spain
Join us on Saturday, May 7, 2017, at 8:00 PM PST for another outstanding webinar by José Francisco Sala García titled Engaging the English Language Learner to Grasp Growing Sequences. Support language development and productive struggle, and motivate the English language learner in algebraic thinking by examining growing pattern tasks through well-planned interrelated social and analytic scaffolding. Also, engage in mathematical discourse focused on the argumentation, structure, and regularity. Register now!
TODOS in San Antonio
TODOS was active in San Antonio, presenting sessions at NCSM, the NCTM Research Conference, and NCTM. Equity, excellence, and social justice were highlighted at all three conferences, and many TODOS members were featured speakers. NCTM had an exciting new Multi-lingual group of sessions organized by TODOS. During the annual TODOS Members' meeting, three local students were honored at the Student Awards Ceremony. Thursday evening found many TODOS members with their dancing shoes during the Salsa Party. It was a great time for ALL.
Teaching Mathematics Through Social Justice
TODOS has planned two learning opportunities on teaching mathematics through social justice: May 6th in Las Cruces, NM, Grades K-5, and June 20th-21st in Los Angeles, CA, Grades 6-12. Attendees will experience social justice activities and leave with tools, resources and ánima (spirit) to examine and adapt instruction, choose tasks with high levels of cognitive demand, and facilitate mathematical discussions on the fairness in students' lives. Contact NM leaders or CA leaders for additional information.
April Reading
The April Reading, suggested by AMTE, is Chapter 16: How do I learn to like this child so I can teach him mathematics?, by Mary Q. Foote, from AMTE's book, Cases for MTEs: Facilitating Conversations about Inequities in Mathematics Classrooms. Questions include: How would you support the teacher in addressing her negative views about the student and his mother? In what ways did the case and commentary authors' suggestions help you think about the equity-related dilemmas you face in your own work?
Social Circles Will Change Soon
As mentioned in the March 2017 Enews, no Social Circle will be established for the April or May readings due to the updating of the MemberClicks membership software used by TODOS. Hopefully, the change will be completed when the May 2017 Enews is published. Continue to participate in A Collective Call to Action and record your thoughts and questions when the new Social Circle is created. One Social Circle will be created for all of the remaing readings. Thanks for your patience.
May Reading
The May Reading, suggested by NCSM, is Excellence Through Equity: Five Principles of Courageous Leadership to Guide Achievement for Every Student by Alan M. Blankstein and Pedro Noguera. Questions include: What are the five principles of courageous leadership to guide achievement for every student discussed by these authors? How does your organization's vision reflect the five components of courageous leadership? What can we do together to make visible these components?
Worker Bees Needed!
TODOS has many needs that require you to be more active. These include the following: (1) sending out the digest bi-monthly, (2) taking a key role in TODOS Live! (session setup, session facilitators, advertising, video editing, and presenting), (3) writing an article for TODOS publications, (4) securing funding for TODOS initiatives and events, (5) formatting the table of contents of publications into a document, making the publication searchable on the website, and (6) becoming a #EquityAdvocate. Contact the editor to indicate your skills and expertise!
Ken Krehbiel Named NCTM Executive Director
The NCTM Board of Directors has selected Ken Krehbiel to be NCTM Executive Director. He has been serving as acting executive director since October 2016. President Matt Larson says, "in his 17 years at NCTM he's consistently demonstrated good strategic sense as he's supported and advised the Board on how to position the organization in the policy world and in the education community. He is committed to NCTM's mission of supporting teachers to provide the highest quality mathematics education for each and every student."
Message by Matt Larson, NCTM President
Matt Larson, NCTM President, wrote a message on the NCTM blog titled Do You See and Engage Your Hidden Figures? As Larson read the book and watched the movie, he found the book addressed the racism, sexism, and other challenges. He was reminded of two famous statements: (1) Talent is equally distributed, but opportunity is not (many attributions) and (2) Mathematics needs people as much as people need mathematics (Rochelle Gutiérrez). Go to the website and read the message and the many responses.
Hi ##First Name##. Your Membership in TODOS is good through ##Membership End Date##. Your support is important and greatly appreciated. Also, if you are joining or renewing your membership in NCTM, we would appreciate it if you would choose TODOS as the organization that receives the rebate that NCTM generously offers.
Do You Have Items for the TODOS Enews?
Do you have information on personal accomplishments, events, news articles, or new books that are aligned with the Mission and Goals of TODOS? Share them with the TODOS Community by sending the information to the editor no later than Monday, May 15th to be included in the May Enews.
2017-2018 TODOS Board
Executive Team: Diane Kinch, Diana Ceja, Marta Civil, and Nora Ramirez Members: Julia Aguirre, Rocio Benedicto, Kyndall Brown, Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis, Carol A. Edwards, Linda Fulmore, Susie W. Håkansson, Annette Kitagawa, Silvia Llamas-Flores, Carlos LópezLeiva, and M. Alejandra Sorto