TODOS 2020 Conference
Detailed information on the TODOS 2020 Conference will be available soon. Distribute the flyer to your colleagues and friends and encourage them to consider attending as a team. Consider writing a proposal to speak. The call for proposals should be available in mid-September. TODOS 2020 will be held at the Scottdale Plaza Resort in the Phoenix Metropolitan area on June 25-27, 2020.
Submit a Proposal for NCTM 2020 Centennial Celebration
Hoping to speak at NCTM 2020? This April is NCTM’s Centennial celebration in Chicago, and TODOS is honored to be involved advocating for equity and excellence in mathematics education. Take this opportunity to represent TODOS and present at the upcoming NCTM conference. Proposals are due on June 24th. Contact the Conferences Chair for additional questions about the process.
Call for Manuscripts: TEEM Special Issue
TODOS’ Teaching for Excellence & Equity in Mathematics Journal (TEEM) is seeking submissions for a special issue on Multilingual Learners. Of particular interest are articles that describe actions and innovations related to teaching mathematics with multilingual learners. Submission deadline is September 15th. Contact Special Issue Editor for more information.
Topic: Mathematics Intervention: Structures and Strategies to Support Struggling Learners ~ presented by Shelley Kriegler ~ Tuesday July 16th 4:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time ~ We will discuss ways to help struggling learners catch up within the core classroom or an intervention setting. Participants will learn some "ready for Monday" engagement strategies within the context of proportional reasoning and functions. Register now.
TEEM 10 Is Now Available
The tenth issue of Teaching for Excellence and Equity in Mathematics (TEEM 10) is ready for you to read! This issue has three externally-reviewed articles covering a wide variety of topics: addressing the needs of emergent bilinguals and students with learning disabilities; using the CHAT theoretical framework to analyze the notion of competence in a first-grade bilingual classroom; and engaging preservice teachers in conversations about equity.
Support TODOSonLine!
TODOSonLine! needs people with various skills to strengthen TODOS’ online professional development efforts. Needed are volunteers to do the following: recruit presenters for TODOS Live! and QTEs, set up the sessions in Zoom, advertise the sessions, hold practice sessions, host or co-host the sessions, and facilitate quick chats. A crucial need are volunteers with technical expertise to edit recordings on the TODOS Live! Vimeo channel. Contact TODOS Live!
CAMT (Texas Conference) Is around the Corner!
Are you attending the Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT) 2019 in San Antonio July 10th – 12th? Volunteer to staff the TODOS Exhibit Booth for two hours. CAMT is the second largest mathematics education conference in the U.S. ¡Vivas las Matemáticas! promises to improve the knowledge and skills of mathematics teachers, teacher leaders, and teacher educators.
TODOS Summer Reading List!
The TODOS Advocacy Committee created a reading list for summer 2019. This list includes a variety of topics from various sources. You can form a book or reading club with friends and colleagues for this summer and select one or more items from the list that you are interested in or want to learn more about. Meet regularly over the summer to discuss the readings and to share ideas on how to actively promote equity in your sphere of influence.
Support Member Services
Do you have a half an hour a month to volunteer your services to TODOS? The Member Services Committee is looking for someone who can upload the Enews onto the members only area of the TODOS website each month and to place the previous issue of Enews on the public area. The Enews comes out on the 20th of the month, and you can upload it then or within a couple of days. Contact the Chair if you are interested and willing.
Register for the NCTM Regionals
The three NCTM Regionals for 2019 will be held September 25th - 27th in Boston, October 2nd - 4th in Nashville, and October 16th - 18th in Salt Lake City. Registration is now open. Connect with colleagues and leaders in the math education community, share knowledge, and attend sessions where you will learn about the resources, tools, and classroom best practices to drive student success at your school.
Energize. Engage. Empower. 2019 CCTM Conference
Attending the 2019 Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics (CCTM) Annual Conference will energize, engage, and empower all attendees! If you are attending the CCTM Conference, consider volunteering for two or more hours to staff the TODOS Exhibit booth. You can energize, engage, and empower your colleagues and friends to join TODOS by informing them why you joined TODOS and why they should join.
IML Special Issue
The Investigations in Mathematics Learning (IML) Journal invites you to submit a paper proposal for their special issue on social justice and equity in mathematics teaching and learning. The purpose of this special issue is to expand and deepen our understandings of how socially just and equitable pedagogies connect directly with student school mathematics experiences. Submission deadline is September 15, 2019. Consider submitting a proposal!
TODOS and NCTM are funding its third annual professional development grant, Fostering Support of Mathematics Learning in Multilingual Classrooms. The grant provides financial assistance to PreK-12 schools for in-service to increase understanding and expertise in fostering support of multi-language development when teaching mathematics. Grant maximum: $4000. You must be a TODOS member by May 1, 2019 and NCTM member by October 12, 2019. Deadline: November 1, 2019.
Voices of Pride
NEA’s series, “Voices of Pride: The LGBTQ Experience in Schools 50 Years After Stonewall” are personal essays from educators that are not only touching, poignant stories but are also filled with resources and actions you can take to support LGBTQ students and educators. For many underserved students who sit at the intersection of multiple marginalized identities, the challenges and disparities of being LGBTQ are even greater. Having role models and a support system they can turn to at school is critical to their welfare.
ICME-14 Second Announcement
The 14th International Congress on Mathematics Education (ICME-14) will be held July 12-19, 2020 in Shanghai, China. All Congress activities will take place at Shanghai Convention and Exhibition Center of International Sourcing. Go to the ICME 14 Second Announcement for further information. TODOS Board member Marta Civil is on the International Programme Committee, one of the organizing committees for ICME-14. Plan to submit a paper.
Hi . Your Membership in TODOS is good through . Your support is important and greatly appreciated. Please contact the editor if you wish to become more active in TODOS. Your expertise is welcomed. Also, if you are joining or renewing your membership in NCTM, we would appreciate it if you would choose TODOS as the organization that receives the rebate that NCTM generously offers.
Do You Have Items for the TODOS Enews?
Do you have information on personal accomplishments, events, news articles, new books, or other items that are aligned with the Mission and Goals of TODOS and focus on equity and excellence? Share them with the TODOS community by sending the information to the editor no later than Monday, July 15th to be included in the July 2019 Enews.
2019-2020 TODOS Board
Executive Team: Diana Ceja, Linda Fulmore, Rocío Benedicto, and Nora Ramirez Members: Jennifer Bay-Williams, Kyndall Brown, Gloria Brown Brooks, Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis, Marta Civil, Zandra de Araujo, Maggie Hackett, Susie W. Håkansson, Annette Kitagawa, Silvia Llamas-Flores, Carlos LópezLeiva, Erin Sylves, Jennifer Yacoubian, and María del Rosario Zavala