Fostering Support of Mathematics Learning for Multilingual Classrooms

Funded by TODOS and NCTM

TODOS—Mathematics for All has as one of its goals “to advance educators’ knowledge and ability that lead to implementing an equitable, rigorous, and coherent mathematics program that incorporates the role language and culture play in teaching and learning mathematics.”

Apply now for the MET Grant: Fostering Support of Mathematics Learning for Multilingual Learners

TODOS and NCTM are funding their 8th annual MET grant. This grant provides financial assistance to PreK-12 schools for in-service to increase understanding and expertise in fostering support of multi-language development in mathematics—grant maximum: $4000. The applicant must have at least one current NCTM member and one current TODOS member who teaches at the school. These memberships must be current at the time of application. You can find the application information and highlights from previous award winners below. The grant deadline is November 1, 2024.

Complete Grant Information
Past Recipients

2021-2022 Recipient

Strategies for Teaching that Empower Multilinguals for Mathematics Success (STEMMS)

Sugar Creek Elementary School (K-5)
Fort Mill, SC
Robin Babinchak
Kelly Costner
Implementation Year: 2022-2023

STEMMS aims to help teachers at Sugar Creek Elementary School (P-5): (1) improve skills in facilitating MLs’ development of mathematics knowledge and understanding (for content throughout the year) along with the academic language of mathematics; (2) make mathematics lessons and instructional materials more accessible, challenging, and culturally relevant for MLs; and (3) further develop an asset-based perspective that promotes high expectations for MLs in mathematics through a culturally-responsive approach. Twenty teachers (at least two per grade level and one administrator) will engage in a professional book study of Teaching Math to Multilingual Students, Grades K-8: Positioning English Learners for Success (Chval, Smith, Tiros-Carillo, & Pinnow, 2021, Corwin/NCTM) spanning the 2022-2023 school year. Participants will supplement their experience with the choice of another text focused on either strategies or mindset and will share ideas, reactions, and growth through monthly meetings, small-group interactions, and periodic journal-type reflections.