May Reading
The May Reading, suggested by NCSM, is Excellence Through Equity: Five Principles of Courageous Leadership to Guide Achievement for Every Student by Alan M. Blankstein and Pedro Noguera. Two questions: What are the five principles of courageous leadership to guide achievement for every student discussed by these authors? How does your organization's vision reflect the five components of courageous leadership?
Call for a Collective Action Webinar: June 7th
The next webinar to discuss the readings as part of the Call for a Collective Action is Wednesday June 7th from 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT. Register today! The speakers will include representatives from Women in Mathematics Education (WME), Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE), and National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM) as they discuss the readings for the months of March, April, and May.
June Reading
The June Reading, suggested by Robert Berry III of the University of Virginia, is For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood ... and the Rest of Y'all Too: Reality Pedagogy and Urban Education (2016) by Christopher Emdin. The targeted questions include the following: What are ways teachers can gain access to community resources (human and material)? How can we make sense of this for mathematics teaching and learning?
We have completed the seventh season of TODOS Live! The last session, "Engaging the English Language Learner to Grasp Growing Sequences," is available to view online. Some of the past season's recordings are on a TODOS Live! vimeo channel. There are plans to move more past recordings to vimeo this summer. Are you interested in presenting a webinar for TODOS Live!? Contact the co-chairs to schedule your webinar.
New Social Circle Coming Soon!
The TODOS Membership software will launch to a new updated version of MemberClicks next week! After the launch, the Social Circle for the readings as part of A Call for a Collective Action will be created. Although the messages from the classic version will not be imported, some of the comments made will be summarized in the newly established Call for a Collective Action Social Circle. Look for this in the June Enews.
Submit a Proposal to Speak at NCSM
Deadline to submit a proposal to speak at NCSM's 50th Annual Conference (theme is Leading Mathematics into the Future) in Washington, DC, is Thursday, June 1st. The strands are the following: Equity in Practice, Cultivating a Mathematics Coaching Practice, Evidence and Experiences from the Field, Developing Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching, and Leading Mathematics into the Future.
Supporting English Learners: Resources for Leaders
This complimentary online course provides a set of resources designed to support educational leaders in driving educational change for English Learners. These resources guide educational leaders through a process of examining existing systemic thinking and structures around the education of English Learners, using organized tools to look more deeply at practices for ELs, and developing or refining a plan to propel systemic change and shift practices.
Statistics Education Briefs in English and Spanish
The International Seminar of the Park City Mathematics Institute (PCMI) brought together leaders from five Latin American countries last July. Briefs were prepared on the following issues and are available in English and Spanish: Experiences Students Should Have in Learning Statistics and What Teachers Need in Order to Provide Such Experiences; Broadening Teacher Experiences in Preparation for Teaching Statistics; and A Robust Approach to Statistics Education in Your School.
But That Won't Prepare Them or College!
For perhaps the first time in history there is clear and growing consensus concerning what constitutes effective mathematics instruction, kindergarten through college. The monolithic nature of college mathematics instruction, dominated by lecture and summative exams, is changing. The CBMS issued a statement on Active Learning in Post-Secondary Mathematics Education. Read the article by Matt Larson, NCTM President, and the responses to the article.
Congratulations to Luciana C. de Oliveira, Co-Editor of TEEM 8, who received a Mid-Career Award from the Second Language Research SIG of AERA. She was recently promoted to Full Professor at the University of Miami. Also, congratulations to Anita Bright, past Board member, who was promoted to Associate Professor at Portland State University.
Do You Have Items for the TODOS Enews?
Do you have information on personal accomplishments, events, news articles, or new books that are aligned with the Mission and Goals of TODOS and focus on equity and excellence? Share them with the TODOS Community by sending the information to the editor no later than Thursday, June 15th to be included in the June Enews.
2017-2018 TODOS Board
Executive Team: Diane Kinch, Diana Ceja, Marta Civil, and Nora Ramirez Members: Julia Aguirre, Jennifer Bay-Williams, Rocio Benedicto, Kyndall Brown, Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis, Carol A. Edwards, Linda Fulmore, Susie W. Håkansson, Annette Kitagawa, Silvia Llamas-Flores, Carlos LópezLeiva, and M. Alejandra Sorto