February 2017 Enews
TODOS: Mathematics for ALL


Volume 10, Issue 2 February 2017


March Reading

The reading for March, suggested by Women and Mathematics Education, is Women 1.5 Times More Likely to Leave STEM Pipeline after Calculus Compared to Men: Lack of Mathematical Confidence a Potential Culprit. The guiding questions are: What role can mathematics teacher educators play in developing and strengthening K-12 girls' mathematics confidence and identity? What are effective instructional practices that support the development of girls' mathematical confidence, identy, and sense of agency?

Call for a Collective Action Webinar

The next Call for a Collective Action Webinar is scheduled for March 7th to discuss the readings from December 2016 through February 2017. More information about time and registration will be sent to you via the Listserv. If you are not signed up to be on the TODOS Members Listserv, contact the editor for instructions. Over 250 callers participated in the December 2016 Call for a Collective Action Webinar. You'll have the opportunity to hear the authors of some of the readings. Contribute, be active, and support equity and excellence!

February Reading

With just over a week left, you can still read the two articles from this month's reading suggested by NASGEm: Culturally Situated Design Tools: Generative Justice as a Foundation for STEM Diversity and Critical Values and Transforming Data: Teaching Statistics with Social Justice. View the targeted questions for these readings and make comments in the Social Circles. As an added incentive, you can access Larry Lesser's webinars (one and two [preferably a PC for the second webinar]) that focus on the second article above that he wrote.


Susie W. Håkansson, Immediate Past President, will present the next TODOS Live! webinar on Tuesday, February 28th at 4:30 pm PST. Titled Use Discourse to Access Language and Mathematics for English Learners, this webinar shares the rationale for using discourse in the classroom, the role of productive and receptive language functions in the learning of mathematics, as well as examples of how to increase discourse in the classroom. Register now for the webinar.

Vote Today for TODOS Board Members

The deadline to vote in the TODOS Elections is Tuesday, February 28th, for the positions of President-Elect and two Directors. The candidate for President-Elect is Diana Ceja. The candidates for the position of Director (two will be selected) are Higinio Dominguez (MI), Silvia Llamas-Flores (AZ), Carlos LópezLeiva (NM), and Jennifer Yacoubian (CO). Go to the elections page, read the candidates' statements, and cast your ballot.

Attending or Presenting in San Antonio? Volunteer!

Are you attending NCSM, NCTM, and/or the NCTM Research Conference? Are you presenting at any of them? Would you like to work the TODOS Booth? If you are presenting, go to the Presenters' Session Information and enter the details of your session(s). Volunteer at the TODOS Booth for a two-hour slot or more at NCSM and/or NCTM. There are two pages in the volunteer sign-up sheet, one for NCSM and one for NCTM. Support TODOS!

2017 NCSM Annual Conference

The NCSM Annual Conference will be held at the Grand Hyatt in San Antonio, April 3-5, 2017.  TODOS President Diane Kinch will be a presenter; Board member Anita Bright will be one of the major speakers; and Florence Glanfield will present this year's Kay Gilliland Lecture on Equity.  Other TODOS members are making presentations.  Consult the conference website for additional information. Discounted registration deadline is March 15th.

2017 NCTM Annual Meeting and Research Conference

The NCTM Annual Meeting and Exposition will be held at the Convention Center in San Antonio, April 5-8, 2017.  President Diane Kinch presents in the Presidents' series and Vice President Marta Civil the Iris M. Carl Equity Address.  TODOS will have six sessions and two workshops in the Equity Strand.  Consult the website for additional information. The NCTM Research Conference, Linking Research and Practice, will be held April 3-5, 2017, in San Antonio.

Multi-Lingual Sessions at NCTM in San Antonio

TODOS has organized exciting new multi-lingual sessions for the 2017 NCTM Annual Meeting. Rocio Benedicto, Rachel Bower, Marta Civil, Zaira Falliner, Crystal Kalinec-Craig, and Alejandra Sorto collaborated with NCTM President Matt Larson and Program Chair Sarah Bush to plan a trio of related sessions.  These TODOS presentations are scheduled for Friday, April 7th. Consult the flyer for times, location, and detailed descriptions of the sessions. 

TODOS Members Are 2017 NCTM Awardees

TODOS members J. Michael Shaughnessy and the late Margaret (Peg) Kenney are the 2017 NCTM Mathematics Education Trust (MET) Lifetime Achievement Award recipients.  They will be recognized during the Opening Session of NCTM.  Immediately following the Opening Session, the MET will host a Celebración Reception to honor them and to raise funds for grants and scholarships.  Purchase your tickets when you register or add to an existing registration. 

NSF Project: Doing and Talking Mathematics

With English learners the fastest-growing subgroup in K-12 classrooms, they need to be included in the meaning-making discussions critical to STEM learning. English learners can and do engage productively and effectively in meaning-making activities while they are learning English. Resources for making this occur can be found in Doing and Talking Mathematics, A Teacher's Guide to Meaning-Making with English Learners.

Volunteer at the 2017 National Math Festival

The 2017 National Math Festival is a free, public event organized by the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) with the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) and the National Museum of Mathematics (MoMath). The Festival runs from 10-7 on Saturday, April 22nd at the Convention Center in Washington, DC. Volunteers are needed to support this national event. The volunteer form includes descriptions of needed volunteers.

Purchase from Amazon Smile Instead of Amazon

Are you purchasing items from Amazon? You can purchase the exact same item from AmazonSmile for the same price and designate TODOS as the organization that receives a small percentage of the sale. TODOS has registered with AmazonSmile as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Support TODOS!

More MATHgazines

More issues of Mathgazines are included. These four-page MATHgazines target students in grades 4-8 (Junior) and students in grades 9-12 (Senior) and are edited by Carole Greenes, Jason Lu, and Yifan Tian. Issues include: October MATHgazine Junior, October MATHgazine Senior, November MATHgazine Junior, and November MATHgazine Senior.

Bilingual Advantage

New research published in the Journal of Neurolinguistics suggests that seniors who have been bilingual for years use their brain resources more efficiently and economically than their monolingual counterparts. Bilingualism may help brain conserve resources and resist decline and may have a positive impact on cognitive aging.

Spanish Translations of NCTM Publications Available

Spanish translations of two NCTM publications realized in collaboration with the Inter-American Committee on Mathematics Education are now available online as eBooks: 5 Prácticas para orquestar discusiones productivas en Matemáticas and De los principios a la acción: Para garantizar el éxito matemático para todos.

Native American Calling

If you didn't get a chance to listen on the Monday's show about math on Native American calling, here is the archive site. For American Indian and Alaska Native students math scores are generally lower than the national average. The webinar explores some innovative ways math is taught to Native students. Can using culture help students improve in mathematics? Educators of Native American Students (EONAS) is mentioned.

Teachers Learn to Help ELLs with Math-Language Gap

TODOS member Bill Zahner is working with some area high-school teachers to help English-language learners in math class. While some students understand math concepts, they may lack the language skills to define words, explain their reasoning or solve word problems, he said. Go to the article San Diego Educators Working to Make Math Friendlier for English Learners.


Hi ##First Name##. Your Membership in TODOS is good through ##Membership End Date##. Your support is important and greatly appreciated. Also, if you are joining or renewing your membership in NCTM, we would appreciate it if you would choose TODOS as the organization that receives the rebate that NCTM generously offers.

Do You Have Items for the TODOS Enews?

Do you have pertinent information on personal accomplishments, events, news articles, or new books that are aligned with the Mission and Goals of TODOS? Share them with the TODOS Community by sending the information to the editor no later than Wednesday, March 15th to be included in the March Enews.

2016-2017 TODOS Board

Executive Team: Diane Kinch, Marta Civil, Susie W. Håkansson, and Nora Ramirez
Members: Julia Aguirre, Ellen Barger, Rocio Benedicto, Anita Bright, Kyndall Brown, Carol A. Edwards, Linda Fulmore, Cynthia Hillman-Forbush, Annette Kitagawa, Bob McDonald, M. Alejandra Sorto, and Angela Thompson