The TODOS Iris M. Carl Equity in Teaching and TODOS Iris M. Carl Equity and Leadership AwardsThe TODOS Iris M. Carl Equity in Teaching and the TODOS Iris M. Carl Equity and Leadership Awards recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to the quality of mathematics education provided for all students, in particular to Latina/o and/or Indigenous students. The honorees are mathematics educators who exhibit commitment to improving the mathematics education for all students and has made, or is making unique contributions that have impacted equity and access for underserved students. The individuals’ work in improving mathematics has influenced the school, community, leaders and practitioners, and its impact has been sustained. Previous Awardees2023 Iris Carl Awardees: Harold Asturias and Erin Sylves
2020 Iris Carl Awardees: Olga Torres and Emma Treviño
2018 Iris Carl Awardee: Kathyrn Chval
2017 Iris Carl Awardee: Lee Stiff
2016 Iris Carl Awardees: José Franco and Rochelle Gutierrez
2015 Iris Carl Awardee: Gilbert Cuevas
2014 Iris Carl Awardees: Florence Anne Glanfield and Nora G. Ramirez 2013 Iris Carl Awardees: Marta Civil and Susie W. Håkansson 2012 Iris Carl Awardees: Harriet Haynes and Diane Kinch 2011 Iris Carl Awardee: Carol A. Edwards 2010 Iris Carl Awardee: Bob McDonald 2009 Iris Carl Awardee: Kay Gilliland 2008 Iris Carl Awardee: Miriam Leiva 2007 Iris Carl Awardee: Ed Silver 2006 Iris Carl Awardee: Guillermo Mendieta Please note that prior to 2020, the TODOS Iris M. Carl Equity in Teaching and the TODOS Iris M. Carl Equity and Leadership Awards were the TODOS Iris M. Carl Equity and Leadership Award.
Iris M. Carl Equity and Leadership Award Committee